Dear Casey,

Thanks very much for selecting me as your reader. I took an extensive look
at your questions and issues of concern. In this email I will discuss, your
love life, your business life and San Francisco potentials.

For starters, you do not have difficulty attracting. If anything, you do
attract like a magnet. I would venture to say it is the type that you
attract that is in question. I do see you are selective. Sure, it does show
that you have a lot of passion, must have a strong level of depth in your
partners, want a relationship with someone that can make you laugh, have fun,
have a strong sexual bond, a bit of intensity, this is all indicative of
Scorpio being on the seventh house cusp, the ruler, Pluto in the fifth house
in the sign of Virgo, trine your Taurus Ascendant. Also, you are quite a
romantic and giver, and do see where you desire romance like a movie and
willing to sacrifice at any means (Neptune in the 7th conjunct the sun.) Do
watch the sacrificing that does not go to the extremes so that you do not
feel you are taken advantage of. If anything you do have a lot of magnetism
and some people may venture to say sex appeal. I do alert you to not
idolizing your partners, and being a bit aware of the types of people you
meet (drinking issues, vices, etc.) Its important to realize at face value
the person "as is." Excuses such as "he will change, its only something
temporary." Be aware of this.

Now the last few years have been very heavy. I clearly do see where you've
had secondary progressions squaring the ruler of the 7th, Pluto, and have
been on a major transit, Pluto square Pluto, in the last 2-3 years. A lot of
this has to do with regenerating to give rise to a new you, think of it as
rebirth. It's a matter of upgrading your needs, your wants, changing your
desires, changing I n the type of person you go for, changing your definition
of love, changing the way you are as a whole and the role you put out towards
your love life.

You has asked me <<Is there a soul mate for me?>> Now you may not like my
answer, but technically speaking, everyone is a soul mate when we accept
faults and willing to compromise. Being on top our needs, lowering the
intensity is all part of this. . I do sense that as the years progress you
will "lighten up the intensity." On the same token, I can see where there
may be someone now that you may have known for a while. However, I do not
sense you are as interested in this. Do I see relationships around you and
the potential to "bond?" Yes I do. Even in the next 4 years. Again, this
stems into your natal pattern. But if I layered on Significance, the utmost
important thing here is to stay on top of the changes you have made in the
last few years.

Now since you are ordering your reading on your birthday I m also layering in
a solar return, which is active from this day till your next birthday.
According to it, it seems as if you are going to meet someone connected from
your work that you will take on an instant liking to. Perhaps someone a bit
different that the usual type that you "go for" (age/race) etc. I do alert
you though to careful monitor getting into burn out/ anxiety / restlessness
with trying to move to fast on it. I do see that this summer you had some
slight upsets here. Again, all this is for change.


No doubt, I do see you are a go-getter, responsible, disciplined, dutiful,
and ambitious, hardworking, and a go-getter. You currently have progressed
mc opposite Uranus making you feel time for change. You clearly want your own
freedom, you do not want to be told how to do, when to do etc. In my opinion,
you would serve excellent as your own boss. Even this fall season I do see
tons of work advancements around you from December 99 through March 99. But
at the same time, I also see that in about March, you do have some
recognition coming your way. This will make a new start in your career,
possibility to go out there and make things happen but also achieve some form
of recognition that you have been due for quite some time. This does indeed
look promising. If anything, do take chances. Even though I do see a lot
of hard work around you, it is time for a change. I would however alert you
to anyone trying to persuade you into a business venture or get carried away
with false hopes, especially around the time frame of February 2001- March
2001 - and the entire summer of 2001. This is a cycle you had here in the
period of March 2000-June 2000 and will be repeating itself.

Is my future bright in San Francisco?

I did look at your relocated chart, and so see where you are very popular in
your business dealings. At the same time though I do see where at times
trying to achieve some form of recognition requires a bit of a battle. No
doubt, this can be in terms of the reliability you get from you surroundings
with individuals following through.

I do not sense you will stay in San Francisco forever. Where will you move?
I haven't got a clue. But I do sense you do attract even more in San
Francisco. Should you stay there now? Well the thing here is that yes, for
now its very possible, however, the most I can see you there is no more than
3 more years.

In conclusion, I do sense technology (computers) will be playing a very
strong role in your job/ career, especially if it's in the surroundings of a
teaching facility or capacity. Also, consulting is a field you may want to
look into, in the event you would like to maximize the potentials of freedom
and strong salary.

I hope this reading serves you purpose. Thank you very much!!!!! Please do
keep me posted. I can also be found in the "on demand readings." Where we
may chat one on one or can even schedule a telephone follow up.

Best of Wishes

Albert Valentine